Monday 13 April 2009

Easter Monday 2009

When I first moved in this country [Australia] I have not heard of Easter Monday, for most Filipinos Easter Sunday is the pinnacle of the Lent period or what is the shorter period we call "Holy Week". In Australia, Easter Monday is a continuation - a rest day after the always busy day of Easter Sunday; of the long weekend wherein families drive back from their holiday vacations.

In other cultures and in other countries, Mondays after Easter Sunday are known as Dyngus Day or Wet Monday, Bright or Renewal Monday; and in Egypt, Sham El Assim [literally to mean "smelling of the air"] which is celebrated on the Coptic Easter Monday which dates back to Pharonic times [about 2700 BC].

As in Egypt, most Australians celebrate "Easter Monday" more as a secular holiday culminating the four day weekend. Most Aussies goes into a long weekend vacation, camping, fishing, watching sporting matches, etc.

Invariably, appearance of hot cross buns and egg shaped chocolates wrapped in colourful wrappers, [such as the ones pictured above]; as well as chocolate bunnies in supermarkets herald the Australian Easter period. Most of these symbolisms are pagan in nature and pre-dates Christian era. Most are interwoven into Christian celebration such as Easter; and in Australia, it looks like they came in full circle.

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