Commuting to and from work five days a week; and with Sydney traffic pretty bad, I have to resort to radio to make the daily commute bearable.
I listen to 2DayFM for more than a decade now. 2DayFm airs in Sydney and some other Oz cities (that’s 104.1 on the FM dial; or if you’re not in Sydney, you can listen via podcast or stream link here.)
The morning show has the same format as far as I can recall: nice/sweet lady co-host and the arrogant/funny/stupid male co-host, much like the “good cop and bad cop”. It started with Wendy, a comedienne and Aggro, a funny and sometimes “aggravated” sock puppet. Then Aggro was replaced by funny man Peter Moon. More than a couple of years ago, they were “retired” and replaced with a “younger set”; Jackie-O and Kyle, “The Homeless Boy”.
A somewhat new addition to the usual duo is a third person in the form of Geoff “The Gay Newsreader” and the retinue of call-takers and staff. Geoff is the “fall guy”, the brunt of practical jokes and weird “experiments” especially by Kyle. Not because he is gay, but because it is in his contract and he is getting paid to be the “rat in the lab”. See the videos of what he has to put up with. Who says radio work is fun…
A couple of weeks ago my car radio broke down and I needed to replace the stock in built radio. I managed to find a not so expensive replacement in the odd bins at JB Hifi. It’s a JVC that can play back MP3, WMA, DivX and normal DVD’s and Cd’s; with an IPod input to boot. Just minor wiring and additional fascia to install, and am getting my radio fix again. It does make a lot of difference on a long commute to have a radio, am planning to install a monitor for that really long drive.
How about you, what piece of item you can’t live without on your daily commute?
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